Legacy Grant Making: What Granddad Would Have Wanted

Legacy grants are those grants to organizations, program areas, or regions of the country that were of special importance to the donor or the family. The family continues to make these grants, often for generations, for their value to the community but also out of a sense of history or legacy and in honor of the founder. In many situations, legacy grants are not directly the result of explicit donor intent — there may have been no specific instructions from the founder to continue this funding. NCFP President Virginia Esposito will examine how giving families approach these grants and the special grantor-grantee relationships that come with them with a view to how families address future needs while remaining true to the foundation’s values and history.

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Ginny Esposito

Virginia M. Esposito

Virginia M. Esposito, is the founding president of the National Center for Family Philanthropy. In January…

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