For family foundations of any shape or size, the chair position can be one of great possibility, joy, and sometimes consternation! Come together for community, learning, and to share challenges and inspiration. In the inaugural meeting of this Peer Network, we will spend time connecting with peers in small breakouts, discussing joys, solutions, and challenges in large group discussion, and brainstorming solutions in pairs.
As a reminder, our Peer Network events are not recorded. Come ready to have an engaging conversation with your peers—we want to hear your stories, tips, and resources! Join with your webcam if possible, or call in for audio only.
If you are unable to attend this event, but are interested in being a part of the Board Chair Peer Network, sign up here.
Featured Speakers

Jaimie Mayer
Jaimie Mayer is currently serving her second term as Chair of The Nathan Cummings Foundation. Under…
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Gilbert Miller
Gilbert Miller serves as the Board Chair of the Bradley-Turner Foundation, a 5th generation place-based family…
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Katherine Lorenz
Katherine Lorenz is president of the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation. She is the leader of the…
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