Board Chair Peer Network: Collaborative Leadership: Building a Successful Board Chair-CEO Partnership

The success of a family philanthropy depends greatly on a strong relationship between its board chair and executive leader. These relationships are vital to creating a positive organizational culture, for navigating challenges, and guiding the organization through periods of change.

Join this session to hear from experienced board chairs and executive leaders on how they built and evolved their relationships. Participants will also have time to share their own experiences—what has worked well and how they navigated their own challenges—as well as ask questions.

Featured Speakers

Liz Bonner headshot

Elizabeth Snowdon Bonner

Elizabeth Snowdon Bonner (Liz) is President of the Board of the Hill-Snowdon Foundation, a family foundation…

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Nicole Seawell

Nicole Elias Seawell is a communications strategist, leadership coach, and Enneagram expert who founded Sailor’s Sweet…

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