The Krim Group (TKG) helps individuals and families plan and execute their charitable giving strategies.  Our mission is to ensure our clients create a lasting legacy of giving that aligns with their personal values and financial objectives for generations to come.   We begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the client’s giving history, philanthropic goals, and personal values. We will also help the client identify causes and charities that align with their values and interests.  Family involvement is often critical to the long-term success of the client’s philanthropy goals.  We assist our clients to involve family members in their philanthropic activities, including developing a family philanthropy strategy and engaging younger generations in charitable giving.

Once the assessment is completed, TKG will develop a strategic philanthropy plan that includes recommendations for areas of giving, types of charities to support, and giving vehicles that are most appropriate for the client’s financial and tax situation.  We will research and vet potential charities to ensure they are reputable, effective, and aligned with the client’s values and goals. This will involve conducting due diligence on the charity’s financials, leadership, governance, and impact.TKG can also assist the client in implementing their thoughtfully-prepared giving strategy, manage the grant-making process, provide oversight and evaluation of grant recipients, and monitor the impact of the client’s charitable giving. We will provide education and resources to keep the client informed of philanthropy trends, best practices, and innovations. We will also help the client engage with the charities they support, leveraging their expertise and networks to help create a meaningful impact.