Bill Ryan has changed the way nonprofit leaders approach governance. In 2005, Bill and his co-authors challenged conventional wisdom with their seminal book Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Nonprofit Boards (Wiley and Sons, 2005). Since then, Bill has consulted with dozens of nonprofits, helping make lasting improvements in their governance. Bill also spent 10 years as principal and research fellow at the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Harvard University, where he now teaches in executive education programs. Currently, Bill serves on the faculty at Harvard Kennedy School. Bill’s BA is from Columbia University and Masters in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School.


When projects flounder

Posted on November 18, 2004 by William Ryan

What warning signs might alert you that a project is floundering? In this guide, grant makers recount their experiences with troubled projects and tell how they responded – or how they wish they’d responded. With the benefit of hindsight, veterans describe what they learned and offer advice on the most effective and timely way to handle distress signals… Read More