Splendid Legacy Online

A Companion Collection to "Splendid Legacy 2: Creating and Re-creating Your Family Foundation"


In this section, you will find articles and resources on strategic grantmaking, taking risks and learning from mistakes, considering general operating support and other strategies. For a wide variety of additional resources on this topic, visit NCFP’s Family Philanthropy Online Knowledge Center.

Measuring What Counts: Meaningful Evaluation for Family Foundations

Formal evaluation can be very expensive. Many family foundations believe they lack the resources to evaluate the work they support. A question for all funders is: how do we assess impact in cost-effective ways? If formal evaluation is not the answer, or not the whole answer, what are our alternatives?

Thinking Differently About Assessment

Creating a good grants assessment system should not be about the assessment process itself – it should be about the social benefits such a system can help bring about.

The Noyce Foundation: Ten Core Principles for Hands-on Philanthropy

Over its quarter century of existence, the Noyce Foundation’s approach to grant making evolved, reflecting what the trustees learned from their cumulative experiences. In this post, the foundation shared ten core principles that characterize it’s approach.

The Power of Taking Stock – 5 Reasons to Conduct Evaluations

Many foundations grossly underestimate the importance of evaluating impact. Here are five reasons why foundations should regularly conduct evaluations.

Create a Grant Evaluation Form…

Consider adapting this sample grant evaluation form from the Lowell Berry Foundation for your own purposes.

Create a Grant Evaluation Report…

Consider adapting this sample grant evaluation report from The Leighty Foundation for your own purposes.

Create a Site Visit Worksheet…

Consider adapting this site visit worksheet from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation for your own purposes.

Create an Interim Grant Evaluation Report…

Consider adapting this interim grant evaluation report from the Walton Family Foundation for your own purposes.