Laying the Foundation Part Three: Aligning Your Vehicles with Your Values

What philanthropic vehicles are available to family philanthropies? Which are best suited to support your mission and goals, and what is the value of employing multiple vehicles?  

In this session we will discuss the benefits (and limitations), flexibility, and potential impact of each vehicle. Through examples from other funders, learn about how to align your philanthropic vehicle with your family’s values, strategic objectives, and desired outcomes, while being mindful of your capacity and size constraints. This session is ideal for families looking to make informed decisions about how to structure and maximize their philanthropic giving.

Resources: Impact Vehicles and Structures Primer, Impact Strategies and Tools Primer

About this Series

The monthly Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy webinar series provides guidance on the core principles of effective family philanthropy—from motivations and values to governance, grantmaking, and succession. The series equips giving families with the latest information on evergreen topics in the donor lifecycle through practical takeaways and diverse family stories that illustrate important practices. Designed for seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike, the series is available to our Network Members and Network Partners.

More Fundamentals

For a refresher on this topic, watch previous Fundamentals webinars.

Featured Speakers

Khalilah Burt Gaston

Khalilah Burt Gaston is the founding Executive Director of the Song Foundation, shepherding its efforts to…

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Roxanne Stachowski

Roxanne Stachowski serves as RFF’s deputy director, working across the foundation’s program areas to further institutional…

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