Splendid Legacy Online

A Companion Collection to "Splendid Legacy 2: Creating and Re-creating Your Family Foundation"

Getting Started: Sample Policies and Practices

Here you will find a collection of sample policies and practices related to establishing a family foundation.

For a wide variety of additional sample statements and other resources, see Policy Central: Getting Started With Family Philanthropy.

READ: Life Cycle of a Private Foundation: Starting Out

An IRS overview of the trust instrument, corporate charter, articles of association, and other written instruments by which a new private family foundation is created under state law.

READ: Bylaws of the Doane Family Foundation

Sample bylaws from the Doane Family Foundation.

READ: Sample Bylaws with a Focus on Family Branch Representation

These sample bylaws include specific language regarding participation from each branch of the family.

READ: What Ought to Be in an Organization’s Bylaws

Bylaws are the internal governance rules of a group of people who have organized for a common goal. This short article written by Betsy Buchalter Adler, a founding partner of the San Francisco law firm of Adler & Colvin, describes the commonly required elements for an organization’s founding bylaws.

READ: The Parable of the Mustard Seed: A Founder’s Statement of Intent

The donor legacy statement of Ike Leighty, founder of the Leighty Family Foundation.

READ: Donor Legacy Statement

Donor Legacy Statement of the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation.

READ: Founder’s Statement

Founder’s Statement from the Brinson Foundation.

READ: Conflict of Interest Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

READ: Policy Central: Getting Started With Family Philanthropy

Looking for sample bylaws, donor legacy or intent statements, or sample mission statements? Need an example of a donor advised fund agreement? Start with NCFP’s “Getting Started in Family Philanthropy” collection in Policy Central.