Code of ethics (sample)

__________ Foundation, Inc. (the “Organization”) seeks to integrate the personal style and flexibility of a charitable endeavor with the best practices of the nonprofit community. With this goal in mind, the following standards have been adopted to guide the directors, officers, and employees in their conduct of all Organization business.
- The Mission of the Organization: Catalyzing the economic development of ________ and revitalizing the quality of life of its residents, by constructing a sports facility and creating employment opportunities within __________, and to thereby promote social welfare and support the local community, shall guide the Organization’s work, and inasmuch as possible shall be the basis for board and staff decision-making at all levels of the Organization.
- Everyone will be expected to bring objective thinking, critical analysis, along with a discerning, prayerful and empathetic heart to the Organization’s deliberations.
- Everyone will be tolerant of the ideas and positions of others, and all matters will be approached with an open mind. Respectful and gently remonstrative disagreements are permitted and, in fact, encouraged to facilitate a process of arriving at the best possible decision at any level throughout the Organization.
- Decisions and judgments will be based on the most complete and accurate information that is available and each director will be expected to familiarize him/her-self as effectively as possible with any information that is disseminated for a meeting.
- Board members shall serve without compensation.
- No director or staff person will use his or her position with the Organization in a manner that will inure financially to his or her benefit.
- Decisions of the Organization’s board of directors will be made, whenever possible, through a process of consensus. Appropriate discretion is important when discussing the board’s deliberations outside of the confines of meetings.
- To avoid the appearance or potential of any conflict of interest, board members and staff will follow the Organization’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
- Staff and board directors will not accept any gifts, payments, or loans from vendors or suppliers of goods or services to the Organization.