Values in Action: Thinking Strategically About Your Family Philanthropy’s Lifespan

Posted on December 4, 2023

Join us to explore the considerations of family philanthropy lifespan. In addition to philanthropic traditions, families want to think ahead about their philanthropic timeframe. This webinar will guide families through the decisions surrounding the sustainability and potential conclusion of their philanthropic efforts. Drawing from real-life examples, this session will equip you with the tools to ensure your family’s philanthropic mission… Read More

A Racial Reparations Framework for Family Philanthropy

Posted on December 4, 2023

This webinar will explore a comprehensive approach to reparations in family philanthropy and will provide giving families with a practical roadmap for addressing historical and systemic injustices. Join this session to learn how to foster a more equitable, just and inclusive society through your family’s giving. Resources: Assessment & Learning Primer About this Series The monthly Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy webinar… Read More

Meeting the Moment Part Three: Trust-Based and Participatory Practices

Posted on December 4, 2023 by Melinda Tuan

How can funders engage the communities they serve in a meaningful way? What are the differences and similarities between trust-based philanthropy and participatory grantmaking, and which principles are right for your family philanthropy? In this webinar we will discuss creative ways of community participation in family philanthropy, highlight the power of community and trust, and give you tools to develop… Read More

Clarifying Your Purpose and Legacy Part Two: Generational Transitions

Posted on December 1, 2023 by Oona Coy, Grace Tenhula, Diana Spencer, Rebecca Randall

Grandfather, father, and son looking at content on a tablet
How can you prepare the next generation to confidently take the helm while also preparing the current generation of leaders to feel secure in stepping back? Our speakers, who are next generation representatives, will be sharing their own experiences of generational transitions, including the processes their philanthropies used, the complexities of nurturing leadership skills, how they fostered a deep understanding… Read More

Clarifying Your Purpose and Legacy Part One: NCFP’s Family Giving Lifecycle Curriculum

Posted on December 1, 2023 by Miki Akimoto, Nicholas A. Tedesco

Intentional philanthropy requires ongoing reflection and planning. This interactive webinar will give an overview of NCFP’s Family Giving Lifecycle and updated curriculum which provides families with practical tools and proven strategies to clarify their philanthropic mission, effectively transition leadership, ensure lasting impact, and preserve their philanthropic values. Then we’ll take a deep dive into the Succession & Legacy module and… Read More

Philanthropic Purpose, Motivations, and Values

Posted on November 29, 2022 by Nancy Bacon

For your philanthropy to be meaningful and effective, it is important to define, refine, and periodically revisit your philanthropic purpose: to understand your motivations for giving, the collective values that guide your philanthropy, and establish clarity around the various priorities and approaches your family will utilize in its giving. This interactive program is designed to both guide families through initial… Read More

Conflict of Interest Policy (George Family Foundation)

Posted on July 22, 2022 by George Family Foundation

The George Family Foundation (GFF) is committed to avoiding transactions or arrangements that give rise to a conflict of interest, potential conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest. POTENTIAL Personal-Gain CONFLICTS No less than once a year, GFF Directors and staff will review a list of all GFF grantees, vendors, and other business partners — disclosing… Read More

Board Chair Peer Network: Reflections on Mission, Vision, and Values with the Hilton Foundation

Posted on June 9, 2022 by Hawley Hilton McAuliffe, Linda Hilton

Hand stacking three blocks on top of each other. Bottom block says "value", middle block says "vision" and top block says "mission"
A foundation’s mission, vision, and values, which may be thought of as a statement of purpose, are fundamental in guiding its operations, strategy, and relationship with grantee partners.  For family foundations, these purpose statements are grounded in the family’s history and legacy, and donors’ intent. It is critical that both board and staff understand and are aligned with the mission… Read More

Defining Your Family’s Philanthropic Purpose

Posted on May 17, 2022 by Fred Kaynor, Megan Costigan, Jean Buckley, Tony Macklin

illustrated image of people pushing together life-size puzzle pieces
What motivations and values drive your generosity? What priorities propel your social action? A clear philanthropic purpose defines why you want to make a difference and your priorities for where and who you most want to benefit. It improves family decision-making, community relationships, and impact. On this webinar, you’ll learn how you and your family can define your philanthropic purpose—shared… Read More