Ayelet Baron is a visionary author, speaker, coach, workshop facilitator, and former tech executive committed to making a transformational impact on business. After undergoing a personal transformation, she realized the magnitude of how much the corporate world had lost its way, and, more importantly, she saw hope for how to make things better. She discovered that the new mindset needed for 21st century leadership has its roots in ancient wisdom traditions, especially around the themes of integration and a genuinely holistic perspective. In 2015, Ayelet served as an adjunct leadership team member as an Innovator in Residence in Roche/Genentech’s Strategic Innovation Product Development organization. She climbed the corporate ladder for more than a decade at Cisco Systems, where she was the Chief Strategy Officer for Cisco Canada. Her leadership helped propel Canada from the sixth to the second largest revenue generating country for Cisco at nearly $2B. She served on the Emerging Markets and IT executive leadership teams at Cisco, where she led pioneering programs for the company. Ayelet was also a Cisco Leadership Fellow with Nethope, where she collaborated with over 20 of the largest global Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Ayelet is uniquely and powerfully poised to guide corporations on a profoundly significant journey that touches all of us in this century and beyond: our journey to corporate sanity.


Live Stream: Philanthropic Leadership for a Rapidly Changing World – A Generational Perspective

Posted on September 14, 2018 by Carol S. Larson, Ayelet Baron, Sierra Clark, Susan Packard Orr

Our days are filled with news of a changing world and humanity’s attempts to improve it. We dive in to help. Sometimes we manage to adapt to change and sometimes fall back on old habits. We slowly begin to realize that what we learned about work, leadership, and management may not match the expectations of other families, cultures, and generations… Read More

20th Anniversary Symposium: Imagining the Future of Family Philanthropy

Posted on September 13, 2018 by Virginia M. Esposito, Carol S. Larson, Ayelet Baron, Sierra Clark, A. Sparks, Didier Sylvain, Farhad Ebrahimi, Kelly Chopus, Richard Woo, Mary Mountcastle

In addition to a celebration of NCFP’s 20th Anniversary, the Symposium will explore key themes, trends, and bold ideas generated over the year by the Imagining the Future initiative. We will also unveil several new NCFP research initiatives including Pride of Place, a report exploring how boards stay true to the original geographic focus of the family foundation after trustees have moved away.  … Read More