Sophy Yem serves as Senior Program Officer, Philanthropy at the Surdna Foundation. In this role, she leads Surdna’s grantmaking, engagement, and relationships to support the capacity, infrastructure, and equitable practices of nonprofit- and philanthropy-serving organizations, donor collaboratives, and other funders, especially family foundations. She also oversees the Andrus Family Philanthropy Program (AFPP), helping to engage and involve the Andrus family, particularly its younger generations, in philanthropy and public service.Sophy believes that trust-based philanthropy, racial equity,and social justice are essential to effective grantmaking and develops opportunities for peers to connect, learn, andcollaborateon these topics. Read more…
Join your peers for a virtual retreat on supporting youth grantmakers and family members within your family and foundation. We will spend time on the following areas: Timely Peer Connections: How has your foundation changed plans in 2020 and 2021? Are you working more with your youth grantmakers or cancelling some plans due to remote learning fatigue? Race and Equity:… Read More
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