Family Philanthropy Playbook for Community Foundations

Unit 3: Events and Webinar Replays

Even small-staffed community foundations can offer an annual family philanthropy event. It could be a speaker addressing founding generations’ interest in involving their successors or an interactive event for the whole family.

TUNE-IN (55 minutes): Ideas for Education and Engagement Events for Donors and Families [members only]

Several community foundations shared their annual plans for donor and family education and engagement events.

BORROW AND ADAPT: Education Event Samples

Community foundations in Atlanta, Colorado Springs, Denver area, Kansas City, Oregon, Philadelphia, and Tampa Bay shared examples of donor education events. Some are small and targeted while others are large.

READ (10 minutes): List of Speakers on Children and Philanthropy

This list of speakers on children and philanthropy, compiled by NCFP, includes recommendations by community foundations, and where available, links to sample videos of the speakers.

TUNE-IN (60 Minutes): Donor Roundtables and Donor Education Experiences [members only]

Community foundations in Oregon, Fox Valley, and Boston share their examples.