For your philanthropy to be meaningful and effective, it is important to define, refine, and periodically revisit your philanthropic purpose: to understand your motivations for giving, the collective values that guide your philanthropy, and establish clarity around the various priorities and approaches your family will utilize in its giving. This interactive program is designed to both guide families through initial conversations about purpose, motivations, and values, as well as lead families through the process of revisiting or refreshing their existing purpose and shared values. Join this program to refine the “why” behind your philanthropy and connect your philanthropic purpose to the broader change you wish to see in the world.
While this session is designed for family members, it is also appropriate for family foundation staff or those who work with family members.
Please note: This will be an interactive session on Zoom Meeting led by a facilitator who will guide attendees through worksheet activities, questions prompts, and small group discussions. Please plan to have your camera on, if possible. You will receive session materials a few days before the session so you can print them out.
About this Series
The monthly Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy webinar series provides guidance on the core tenets of effective family philanthropy—from motivations and values to governance, grantmaking, and succession. The series equips giving families with the latest information on evergreen topics in the donor lifecycle through practical takeaways and diverse family stories that illustrate important practices. Designed for seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike, the series is available to our Member Families and Network Partners.
More Fundamentals
For a refresher on this topic, watch the recording of the 2022 Fundamentals webinars on Philanthropic Purpose and see additional resources here.
Featured Speakers

Nancy Bacon
Nancy Bacon is a teacher, instructional designer, and learning strategist who has worked for over 25 years…
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