Board Chair Peer Network: Reflections on Mission, Vision, and Values with the Hilton Foundation

A foundation’s mission, vision, and values, which may be thought of as a statement of purpose, are fundamental in guiding its operations, strategy, and relationship with grantee partners.  For family foundations, these purpose statements are grounded in the family’s history and legacy, and donors’ intent. It is critical that both board and staff understand and are aligned with the mission.

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation has been on a board-led journey to review this work. They have brought deep thoughtfulness to how they not only articulate but operationalize their mission, vision, and values.  Please join the Hilton Foundation’s board chair Hawley Hilton McAuliffe and Vice Chair Linda Hilton for their reflection on this process, and how they are ensuring that the board, staff, and workplace of the foundation are fully aligned.  Below please find a link to the Foundation’s vision and mission statement and values.

As a reminder, our Peer Network events are not recorded. 

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Related Resources

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s mission

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s values

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