Tom Lambeth is senior fellow at the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, and founding board chair of the National Center for Family Philanthropy. Tom joined the Foundation in 1978 as Executive Director and now continues to serve the Foundation as senior fellow. Throughout his career, Tom has dedicated himself to the people of North Carolina and has worked in a variety of capacities. He was on the campaign staff of gubernatorial candidate Terry Stanford, was assistant to the chair of the NC Democratic Party, and was administrative assistant to Governor Sanford. From 1965 to 1969, he was an administrator at the Smith Richardson Foundation in Greensboro, and from 1969 to 1978, he worked as administrative assistant to U.S. Representative Richardson Preyer. Tom has served on numerous Boards, including the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Winston-Salem State University, the Public School Forum of North Carolina, the NC Rural Center, and the Hunt Institute for Educational Leadership.
