Should I Give Anonymously or Publicly?

Posted on December 8, 2014 by The Bridgespan Group

Whether or not you “go public” with your philanthropy is a matter of strategy and personal style. Ask yourself, given the change you want to see in the world, what’s the right approach? This short issue brief from the GiveSmart website provides a list of considerations for determining how publicly you want to give… Read More

Executive director’s annual performance review

Posted on December 8, 2014

Planning & Organizing: Demonstrates an understanding of the Foundation’s mission and priorities; establishes effective courses of action to implement the goals and objectives set forth in the strategic plan. Judgement & Decisiveness: Makes well-timed and sound decisions; meets deadlines; solves problems promptly; sets appropriate priorities for tasks. Initiative: Sets high goals/standards of performance for self and others; originates action rather… Read More

Personnel Policies (The Wallace Foundation)

Posted on June 18, 2014 by The Wallace Foundation

From the introduction: We… recognize that as staff of a philanthropy we hold a ‘public trust.’ We must demonstrate in our grantmaking and every aspect of our business that we hold ourselves to the highest stand- ard of ethical behavior. We act with integrity, strive for transparency, and avoid any action that could be perceived as or create a conflict… Read More

Telling your story to maximize community impact

Posted on February 13, 2014 by Jay Ruderman, Kate Wolford, Lora Smith, Vince Stehle

Have you thought about using Twitter or google hangouts but aren’t sure if it is a good use of your time? Have you been approached by a long-time grantee who has an idea to create a film dedicated to highlighting their cause – and wondering if this is a good use of your philanthropic dollars? Have you been told to have a website but not sure it is worth the bother? Are you interested in learning how to leverage the reputation of the foundation in the twittersphere to make a difference in issues you care about?… Read More

Do we need formal policies on trustee selection, orientation, and evaluation?

Posted on December 11, 2013 by Michael Rion

Although there are no legal requirements, commitment to responsible trusteeship includes ensuring that such policies and procedures appropriate to the size and nature of the board are in place. For many foundations, this may mean nothing more than a mutual understanding between two spouses or siblings that review and evaluation of one another’s actions as trustees is appropriate when needed… Read More

Storytelling and Social Change: A Strategy Guide for Grantmakers

Posted on November 15, 2013 by Paul VanDeCarr

This guide is not so much about how to tell a good story, but about how to use “narrative strategies”— strategies that use storytelling to advance social change. Inthese pages, grantmakers will find guidance and considerations regarding how and why to: make story grants to advance their own program goals in any issue area, and evaluate the impact of funded… Read More

The Power of Urgency – The Eckerd Family Foundation

Posted on October 16, 2013 by Jason Born

Organized from its inception as a limited life foundation, the Eckerd Family Foundation took a bold and strategic approach to using its assets to create significant change on issues affecting young people, including juvenile justice, foster care, and education… Read More