Meeting the Moment Part Two: Effective Communication and Building Consensus through Change

Posted on December 4, 2023 by Lisa Pinckney, Mailee Walker

Listening well and communicating effectively are vital to understanding and implementing lasting changes in your family philanthropy. During this session, we will be exploring the journey of listening to stakeholders and peers, building consensus internally, and tracking the effect and impact of these changes all while maintaining strong relationships and navigating family dynamics. Join us to learn from family philanthropies… Read More

21st-Century Governance Part Three: Family Philanthropies as Stewards of a Public Trust

Posted on December 1, 2023 by Gia Rauenhorst, Nicholas Banovetz, Richard Woo, Ashley Blanchard

What responsibilities do family philanthropies have to steward their funds intended for public benefit? Who are they accountable to in their pursuit of effective family philanthropy? Embracing accountability and continuous reflection are critical for effective stewardship. In this webinar we will discuss how donor families can thoughtfully steward funds throughout their philanthropic lifespan. We’ll consider original wealth creation and donor… Read More

Hate-Free Family Philanthropy

Posted on December 6, 2021 by Eric Jolly, Robert (Bob) Fockler, Abbas Barzegar

Many donors are having conversations about their approach to anti-hate philanthropy. Attendees at this small group dialogue will gather for a grounding discussion about hate-free philanthropy with Abbas Barzegar from Horizon Forum.  Then, learn from two community foundation leaders, Robert M. Fockler, (Community Foundation of Greater Memphis) and Eric J. Jolly, Ph.D., (Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation), about their foundations’ journey,… Read More

Leading with Love and Gratitude: The David Rockefeller Fund at 30

Posted on August 4, 2020 by David Rockefeller Fund

The David Rockefeller Fund charts its history with a fascinating look into the evolution of the family and its philanthropy. The Fund’s history reflects the fact that change is inevitable and necessary, but must be rooted in the values and legacy of the family. The family’s recognition of this positions them for long-term success, encouraging them to remain flexible and… Read More

Trust-based Family Philanthropy

Posted on July 23, 2020 by Sarah Walczyk, Shaady Salehi, Ellen Friedman, Hanh Le

Trust-based philanthropy is being embraced by a growing number of family foundations as a way to alleviate power imbalances between funders and grantees while fostering more productive and informative relationships. Driven by the central philosophy that funders should approach grantee relationships as learning partnerships, a trust-based approach encourages multi-year unrestricted funding, streamlined reporting, and transparent and responsive communication. In this… Read More

Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Topical Call: Virtual Facilitation (August 2019)

Posted on August 13, 2019 by Janice Simsohn Shaw, Danielle LaJoie, Katie Scott

Geographically dispersed donor families can often benefit from virtual facilitation when convening about their philanthropy. Join youth philanthropy alum Danielle LaJoie from the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy and Janice Simsohn Shaw, facilitator and consultant, for tips and tools for virtual facilitation success… Read More