Coronavirus Resources for Donors

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Editor’s note: This was originally published by Giving Compass and is re-posted here with permission.

Though we all are experiencing a great deal of uncertainty as coronavirus spreads, we’re focused on the impact this will have on the most vulnerable among us. Significant numbers of people in our communities are facing extraordinary challenges beyond the immediate health threats, ranging from lost wages to racism. And nonprofits are experiencing economic challenges due to lost service revenue and cancelled fundraising events at the same time as they experience increased demands to serve vulnerable populations.

We’ve compiled a roundup of resources sharing guidance on how donors can be most effective during this time.

Ready to take action?

  • Contribute to GlobalGiving’s Coronavirus Relief Fund.
  • Check with your local community foundation on how you can direct funds to Coronavirus relief efforts. For example, Seattle Foundation has spearheaded a public-private partnership to launch a rapid-response fund focused on needs in the King County metro area, where the virus struck early.