105 Results for “youth philanthropy” in Team

Youth Philanthropy Connect

February 15, 2019
Youth Philanthropy Connect (YPC), a program of the Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation from 2011 to 2017, was a youth-led program for youth involved in philanthropic work to connect through a peer advisory network. Read More

Cadence Miller

September 21, 2021
Cadence Miller is lucky to be a third generation Seattleite, with a deep appreciation for the forests and waters of the pacific northwest. Her professional experience has focused on fostering connections to community, place, health, and belonging with roles in national and local non-profits focused on health, social services, and youth. Cadence’s current role with Laird Norton Family Foundation as Read More

Jamie Semel

June 22, 2021
Jamie Semel is a Boston-based theater artist and educator. Jamie was a founding member of her family’s junior board at Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation. She led in many roles with a national movement supporting youth grantmakers at Youth Philanthropy Connect. She has also worked with grantmakers at Philanthropy Massachusetts on programming. She studied Theater Arts and Environmental Studies at Read More

Veeral Suthar

February 15, 2019
Veeral Suthar discovered his passion for helping others his freshman year of high school, and it has been a major part of his life ever since. He is currently a member of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative’s Cohort VI and is the Student Council President of Union High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He will be attending the University of Oklahoma this Read More

Sheryl Seller

February 15, 2019
Sheryl Seller Sillerman’s Assistant Director, with responsibilities including directing Sillerman’s youth philanthropy project, management of Sillerman Center Fellowships, and coordination of Sillerman events and communications. She also sits on the Steering Committee of the Social Justice Funders Network, where she collaborates with other social justice funders to execute informative events and learnings particularly around racial justice funding. She has a strong Read More

Sahar Afrakhan

February 15, 2019
Sahar Afrakhan is a third-year undergraduate at UC Berkeley studying Economics and Buddhism. Insatiably curious, she questions if “everything” can be her passion. She has been involved in family philanthropy since she was a fourth-grader on a junior board and was also part of the conception of Youth Philanthropy Connect (YPC). Since she’s been away from home, she’s continued to Read More

Sammie Holzwarth

February 15, 2019
In her time with Foundant (since 2011), Sammie Holzwarth has taken on many roles in her path to becoming the Product Manager of Grants & Scholarships. Her breadth of knowledge and extensive experience working with a plethora of clients and in varying roles at Foundant fuels her passion and excitement to continually improve GLM/SLM, and herself which she now brings Read More

Mike Tracy

February 15, 2019
Mike Tracy has been active in philanthropy since the age of 13 working with his family foundation, Tracy Family Foundation. He has been an active youth committee member and participated in the foundation’s next generation grant programs. He is currently working as a Program Intern with Youth Philanthropy Connect. He has served as a member of the YPC Leadership Team Read More

McQuillin Murphy

February 15, 2019
McQuillin Murphy was born and raised outside of Reading, PA, where he began his interest in philanthropy at the Berks County Community Foundation. In high school, he served on BCCF’s Youth Advisory Committee. McQuillin continued his passion for youth philanthropy by helping to establish and advise the Centre PACT (Philanthropic Actions Created by Teens) program at the Centre Foundation in Read More

Mark Larimer

February 15, 2019
Mark Larimer is co-founder, VP of Client Services, and leads the Marketing and Client Services teams at Foundant Technologies. His past careers with Extended Systems and RightNow Technologies gives him the experience to understand technology… his compassion allows him to see how technology can be used to make people’s lives easier and the philanthropic sector better and more efficient. During Read More