Featured Article

Are you prepared to operate your family’s philanthropy in a disaster?

Posted on November 15, 2009 by Susan Crites Price

Like a lot of smaller funders, the 20-year-old McCarthy Family Foundation operated out of Treasurer Tim McCarthy’s home office. He learned a lot of important lessons about disasters the hard way after his home was among the hundreds of properties destroyed in the October 2007 San Diego wildfires. The foundation had no disaster evacuation or recovery plan. And it is… Read More
Uncategorized, Case Studies

Finding and Fighting the Causes of Homelessness: The Melville Charitable Trust

Posted on June 11, 2009 by Jason Born

In 1990, a family trust in Connecticut decided to pursue an audacious goal: to end homelessness in America. The board thoroughly studied the issue, and eventually committed themselves to an equally bold strategy – creating a national movement. The Melville Charitable Trust’s considerable impact since then was recognized recently when its long-time executive director, Robert Hohler, received the Council on… Read More
Featured Article

Real estate: The grant that keeps on giving

Posted on April 15, 2009 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

“At a time like this, we need to stop investing in treasuries and bonds and start investing directly in our communities.” —Tom Parker, Hutton Foundation As a family fund these days, you might feel like crawling into a corner and licking your endowment losses. But look on the bright side. Trying times can inspire positive change—and a chance to get… Read More

What is the 5% payout rule?

Posted on October 15, 2008 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

This familiar, if complex, rule is getting additional attention from family foundations looking at the fourth quarter of the year amid an economic downturn. What do the rules require? And what will that mean next year for foundations and the nonprofits they support? So what exactly are the rules? The figure below from Splendid Legacy 2: Creating and Re-creating Your… Read More