Family Ties: Multigenerational Family Foundation Board Engagement

Posted on April 1, 2017 by Center for Effective Philanthropy

A family throws their hands up in joy on the beach; the photo is taken from the back and with an unfocused lens
Based on interviews with CEOs and family board chairs at seven large, multigenerational family foundations, this publication spotlights the governance practices and structures that these family foundations have created to maintain family involvement; select, orient, and engage family members across generations; and keep the board and foundation focused on impact… Read More

Core Components of Foundations that Learn

Posted on July 21, 2016 by Harold Richman, Josh Weber, Leila Fiester, Prue Brown, Ralph Hamilton, Robert Chaskin

There is a growing sense in the philanthropic field that knowledge, strategically applied, is as important to community-change efforts as money. If this is true, then foundation leaders must re-imagine and reconstruct the role of learning and give it a central place in their organizations’ missions, goals, strategies, internal structures, and external partnerships. In short, foundations must become learning institutions… Read More

Code of ethics (anonymous sample)

Posted on August 20, 2015 by Anonymous

________ Foundation Policies and Procedures Code of Ethics Background In June 2008, the Trustees of the ________ Foundation agreed to be guided by the Council on Foundations’ Stewardship Principles for Family Foundations. These principles, which were closely reviewed one-by-one by the Executive Committee, spelled out best practices in governance, ethics and accountability, and family legacy. One of the best practices… Read More

Program Grants and Committees policies and procedures

Posted on August 20, 2015 by Anonymous

__________ Foundation Policies and ProceduresProgram Grants and Committees BackgroundThe original policies and procedures (articles 1 – 18) for program grants and committees were approved individually by each program committee (i.e., the Community Development, Environment, and Youth Violence Prevention program committees) prior to their presentation to Trustees at the November 2000 meeting. It was noted at that meeting that each committee… Read More

Code of Conduct policy sample

Posted on August 7, 2015 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

____________ Foundation Code of Conduct   1. Preamble To ensure that The _______ Foundation fulfills its mission and pursues its vision in an exemplary manner and in accordance with its beliefs and the highest standards of ethical conduct, the Board of Directors has adopted this Code of Conduct. This Code should be read with the Foundation’s mission, vision and beliefs… Read More

Conflict of Interest Policy Template

Posted on August 7, 2015 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

This Policy is to protect the interests of The ______ Foundation by: (i) preventing the personal interest of Members, Directors, Officers, Employees or Independent Contractors from interfering with the performance of their duties to the Foundation and (ii) avoiding any inappropriate personal financial, professional or political gain on the part of such persons at the expense of the Foundation. … Read More