136 Results for “youth philanthropy” in Blog

Blog | Voices from the Field

Engaging Parents and Guardians in Youth Philanthropy

December 27, 2021 | Sheryl Seller
Earlier this month we shared the Sillerman Center’s ongoing youth philanthropy research as it relates to COVID-19, based on The State of Youth Philanthropy: 2020-2021, and the success of hybrid youth philanthropy program models. In that blog, we also discussed some of the challenges that young people and their adult supporters have faced throughout the pandemic. An additional area we’d Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Youth Philanthropy During COVID-19 and the Success of Hybrid Programming

December 9, 2021 | Sheryl Seller
At the Sillerman Center, we think about youth philanthropy programs as those that support young people making grants directly to nonprofit organizations and projects, while also mentoring and supporting the youth grantmakers. We view these programs as a form of participatory grantmaking and civic engagement in which young people, who are closest to the problems faced in their own communities, Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Bringing Youth Philanthropy Home

August 22, 2017 | Sammie Holzwarth
In 2015, Foundant partnered with Youth Philanthropy Connect on their trip across the United States as they hosted gatherings of youth philanthropists. This trip opened their eyes to the potential for success a program like this could have in their own community in Bozeman, Montana. Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Pandemic Philanthropy: Youth Giving Edition

December 7, 2020 | Emma, Gobioff Foundation
And so it began. Our youth board had Zoom calls nearly every month where we met each other, discussed what philanthropy is, made general plans, and eventually researched and sent out our first grants. Our members, ranging from ages 8-15, were spread across the country, making us Zoom experts even before the coronavirus hit. When Neil Gobioff and Gianna Rendina-Gobioff Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Supporting Youth and Next-gen Philanthropy: How to Get Started

August 18, 2020 | Jen Crino
Sammie Holzwarth, Kimberly Myers Hewlett, and Vasser Seydel on NCFP’s recent webinar This article was originally published by Foundant Technologies and is re-posted here with permission. Bringing the next generation into the fold is a natural progression for many family philanthropies. Teaching children at a young age about shared values, engaging youth in service learning and site visits, and formally preparing Read More