Documenting your motivations, values and principles, and priorities is a terrific way to clarify your giving. You’ll use that documentation to review opportunities to give and get involved that come your way and to dream of opportunities you want to proactively pursue. As you give and volunteer over time, you’ll learn new ways to express the ideas or even refine or re-write some.
As you put your motivations, values, and priorities to work, you may find the need for further clarification. The need may come as you involve more family members, as you start receiving more requests to give, or both. Defining your preferred giving style and creating a purpose statement increase that clarity and increase both the personal reward and impact of your giving.
NOTE: If you haven’t already done so, consider starting your exploration of purpose and motivations by reviewing the Philanthropic Purpose Primer and other featured tools in NCFP’s Family Giving Lifecycle primer series.
Start Here

Crafting Your Charitable Mission Statement: A Guide for Donors
ReportPerspectives from Peers

Looking Inward: How We Clarified Our Values and Vision
Blog Post
Focused Mission Statements Help Donors Decide Where to Direct Their Money
ArticlePerspectives: Internal vs. External Missions

Aligning Your External Mission with Your Family’s Values
Stories and Samples

Examples of Mission, Vision, and Values Statements from Family Foundations
Mission and Values (Tarsadia Foundation)
Mission and Values of the Irving Harris Foundation