Meeting the Moment Part One: Philanthropic Vehicles to Fund Democracy

Posted on December 4, 2023 by Dr. Lourdes Rodríguez, Kathleen Doffermyre, Estevan Muñoz-Howard, Adam Simon

What are the models and vehicles available for investing in and strengthening democracy? How are family philanthropies using them successfully? This webinar will equip participants with an understanding of the types of vehicles and strategies that can be used to fund this work. You will hear from family foundations with direct experience funding in this area, including the Aviv Foundation,… Read More

Unlocking the Power of DAFs

Posted on July 13, 2023 by Betsy Erickson, Arabella Advisors

This paper explores tactics DAF-holders can use to combat stagnation and overcome the barriers—both psychological and structural—that are holding them back, enabling them to put their charitable dollars to work and fulfill the expectations of their roles as funders… Read More

The Case for Multiple Giving Vehicles

Posted on December 15, 2022 by Ben Grande, Karl Mill, David Daniels

There is a range of vehicles available to engage the whole family in philanthropy—each vehicle is a tool in your philanthropy toolbox that allows you to reach individual or collective goals through different approaches. Giving families are increasingly using a variety of vehicles in concert with one another to advance their social impact strategies. A single philanthropic family could use… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Trust-Based Philanthropy Practices for DAFs

Posted on November 16, 2022 by Molly Shaw, M.Ed., Abbe Temkin

Trust-based philanthropy “is rooted in a set of values that help advance equity, shift power, and build mutually accountable relationships,” per the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project. While many community foundations are working to embrace these practices, how are donors or families giving through and in collaboration with the community foundation learning and adapting to using these practices? Join peers who have… Read More

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: National Study on Donor Advised Funds

Posted on November 16, 2022 by Jeff Williams, Dr. Brittany Kienker

The National Study on Donor Advised Funds, launching in early 2023, will gather the most comprehensive data on DAFs in the United States. Join Jeff Williams and Brittany Kienker for this interactive topical call to learn more about how your community foundation can participate in this study, along with other community foundations, religiously-affiliated charities, and national DAF organizations from across… Read More

Reducing the Administrative Burden through Fiscal Sponsorship

Posted on December 7, 2021 by Kyle Peterson, Yvonne Moore, Tony Macklin

Administration is often a hurdle to scaling impact. Because of this, an increasing number of donors are leveraging giving vehicles with less administrative burden and more legal, financial, and investment support. Fiscal sponsorships and other intermediary partners provide an option for giving families that want to build a philanthropic effort, but do not want to administer a separate entity for… Read More

Complexities of the Collective: Balancing Individual and Family Interests

Posted on December 7, 2021 by Melinda Oakes, Andy Klingenstein, Wendy R. Ulaszek, Ph.D., Ashley Blanchard

stones balancing; balance
For many, family philanthropy presents an opportunity to create a shared experience, unifying the family by working together toward a lasting legacy of impact. Family philanthropy can also give participants an opportunity to explore and cultivate their personal philanthropic passions. Yet there is an inherent tension between these two goals, and many families struggle with how to address it—especially as… Read More

Going Beyond the Private Foundation: An Exploration of Vehicles

Posted on December 7, 2020 by Mark Newhouse, Eric Stephenson, Sharon Schneider, Will Fitzpatrick

stacks of coins growing larger
The practice of family philanthropy is evolving and so too are the structures that social impact practitioners employ to accomplish their objectives. However, a number of questions remain on the minds of philanthropic families. What are the available vehicles that promote social impact? How do families leverage multiple vehicles successfully? What is the role of a private foundation in relation… Read More