20 Results for “strategic lifespan peer network” in Events

Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Save the Date: Fourth Quarter Strategic Lifespan Peer Network

November 19, 2024
NCFP’s Strategic Lifespan Peer Network is for board members, foundation staff, advisors, and others in the family philanthropy field that are considering or have decided to spend down their assets. It is chaired by Priscilla Enriquez, and Anne Marie Toccket. Meet colleagues in this confidential, safe space while discussing tactics, strategies, and timely questions about limited lifespan foundations. More information Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: Supporting Social Movements: How a Spend Down Foundation Can Make a More Impactful Difference

What caused the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation to move from gifting six to eight percent of their total assets annually, to a decision to spend down its $150M in assets by 2041? What impact do they hope to make during that time? Join us for a conversation with Sharon Yazowski, CEO, and Vanessa Silberman, Executive Vice President on the Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: What Spending Down Well Can Accomplish—Lessons Learned from the Pierce Family Foundation

The Pierce Family Foundation sunsetted at the end of 2023. Why did they decide to spend down? How did they ensure they provided the most impactful support to nonprofits? Join us for a conversation with Laura Jansen, former Director of Programs and Operations at the Pierce Family Foundation, and Denis Pierce, President and Founder of the Foundation, who will share Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: Insights from the Kendeda Fund

Every family foundation that has decided to sunset has a unique spend down journey. But every family foundation learns throughout that journey. The Kendeda Fund has committed to spending out the remainder of its assets and ending grantmaking operations by the end of 2023. Since their founder, Diana Blank, began her philanthropic journey nearly 30 years ago, Kendeda has worked Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: The Spend Down Journey—Timing is Everything

The length of the spend down journey varies from foundation to foundation. The nature of decisions also varies depending on the length of time remaining in the foundation’s lifespan. What is top of mind at the different times of the spend down journey? What can a spend down foundation with more than 10 years remaining learn from a foundation with Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: Spending Down—Trade-offs and Opportunities

When a family makes the decision to spend down their philanthropic resources, that is just the beginning to many other decisions that affect the impact of the family’s giving. Trade-offs will need to be made related to staffing, investments and grantmaking. How can one maximize the opportunities that spending at a faster payout rate provides? How can one minimize missed Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: Formulating Grantmaking Strategies with a Spend Down Mindset

July 11, 2022 | Gwyneth Tripp, Misty Avila
Once the decision has been made to spend down, foundation leaders must determine how their grantmaking efforts will need to change. How do you curate your programs and support and engage grantees during this spend down process? How does your impact or portfolio shift? Join Misty Avila, chief impact officer at the James B. McClatchy Foundation, and Gwyneth Tripp, director Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: Investing with an End in Sight

Planning to spend down is financially complex. It can be tough for board and staff to predict the financial future of the work. How do you plan for the funding needed for staffing, operations, and multi-year investments? While planning, how can you best make decisions to maximize the financial and social impact of your dollars? Join Emilie Cortes, trustee of Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: Spending Up, Committing to Increased Assets for Increased Impact

March 29, 2022 | Colleen O’Keefe, Pat Sauer
How are you thinking about your foundation’s assets, the challenges and inequities in our world, and supporting timely problems? In 2021, the Sauer Foundation shared, “the assets of the foundation would increase from $28 million to $100 million, and that amount would be invested in the community over the next 10 years.” This foundation’s gift to spend up and make Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Strategic Lifespan Peer Network Retreat

Learn with your peers from foundations who are considering or who have decided to spend down. This retreat will feature inspirational conversations, field-building and peer connections, case studies, and learning with a peer on the final stages of spending down. The sessions included will be: A Conversation about the Changing Field with Marcus Walton, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, interviewed by Read More