70 Results for “Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network” in Events

Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

2024 Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop

About the Workshop What The Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop is an opportunity to learn from your peers and build professional skills. The workshop will include both skill-building sessions on topics top of mind for community foundation staff who work with philanthropic families, and time for networking with peers from community foundations across the country. Where The workshop will take Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

2023 Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop

This workshop, exclusively available for members of NCFP’s Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network, is an excellent opportunity to learn from your peers and build professional skills! We’re excited to be back together in-person for this workshop. Space is limited and network members may register up to four staff member attendees at no cost. Attendees will pay for their travel, hotel, and some meals. Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

2022 Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop

This workshop, exclusively available for members of NCFP’s Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network, is an excellent opportunity to learn from your peers and build professional skills! Network members may register up to five staff member attendees at no cost. Please note: This is a standalone workshop, not connected with any other NCFP events. View the agenda Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

2021 Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop

June 29, 2021 | Piyush Tantia, Sarah Welch
This workshop, exclusively available for members of NCFP’s Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network, is an excellent opportunity to learn from your peers and build professional skills! Network members may register up to five staff member attendees at no cost. The workshop will feature insights on navigating tough conversations with donor families (including those about race and equity) and peer learning Read More
Events & Webinars | Conferences and Workshops

2020 Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop

Registration is now closed. Please email community@ncfp.org if you have questions. This workshop, exclusively available for members of NCFP’s Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network, is an excellent opportunity to learn from your peers and build professional skills! Network members may register up to three staff member attendees at no cost. Featuring speakers from community foundations across the country, topics covered Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Family Philanthropy Services Survey Results

July 13, 2021 | Tony Macklin
How do community foundations structure their philanthropic services and specialized services for generous families? What revenue streams do they receive? Where do they see demand for services growing now and in the future? NCFP’s Senior Program Consultant, Tony Macklin, CAP®, will discuss the results of the business model survey that community foundations are completing in May and June. The results Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Envisioning the Future of Family Philanthropy Services

August 11, 2020 | Nicholas A. Tedesco, Tony Macklin
NCFP President & CEO Nick Tedesco will co-facilitate the call to discuss trends in issues and challenges he’s hearing from philanthropic families across the country, ask about the challenges your foundation and the giving families you serve are facing, and learn how NCFP can better add value to your work in the future.   Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Legacy Planning as a Part of Family Philanthropy

How do community foundations consider and offer legacy planning as an option for families in their philanthropy? Join the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, the Chester County Community Foundation, and the Central New York Community Foundation who will share about their legacy planning work. Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Lessons Learned from Family Philanthropy Peers

December 10, 2019 | Lydia Clements, Colleen Hill
Sometimes best laid plans don’t work. Learn from peers as they share perspectives on experimenting with new initiatives and the lessons learned from the process. Colleen Hill, VP of Development and Donor Services at the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area, and Lydia Clements, VP of Foundation and Corporate Partnerships at the Hawaii Community Foundation, will share their challenges and Read More