Statement of Director Expectations

Posted on August 7, 2015

As members of the Board of Directors of The ____________ Foundation, we recognize and confirm our fiduciary obligations to the Foundation. We have ultimate authority and responsibility for the Foundation’s strategies, policies, procedures and operations. As part of this responsibility, we have established expectations for the members of the Board. In keeping with our fiduciary duty, we commit ourselves to… Read More

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund: Executive Committee Charter policy

Posted on August 7, 2015

Bylaws, Article VIII, Section (a) states:There shall be an executive committee of the Board consisting of the chair and up to seven but no less than six other trustees elected by the vote of a majority of the entire Board at the annual meeting each year. The chair of the executive committee shall be the chair of the Board. A… Read More

Community Foundation Spark Session: The Role of Community in Family Philanthropy Values, Mission, and Strategy

Posted on July 22, 2015 by Elizabeth Sullivan, Jennie Zioncheck, Katie Donnelly, Kim Wright

Community foundations are trusted, professional advisors to philanthropic families and a valuable source of local knowledge and insights. This webinar will focus on how community foundations work with family donors to clarify their values and motivations, shape their philanthropic strategy and identify their philanthropic objectives – in a way that supports the community and place-based efforts… Read More

Code of ethics (sample)

Posted on June 19, 2015

__________ Foundation, Inc. (the “Organization”) seeks to integrate the personal style and flexibility of a charitable endeavor with the best practices of the nonprofit community. With this goal in mind, the following standards have been adopted to guide the directors, officers, and employees in their conduct of all Organization business. The Mission of the Organization: Catalyzing the economic development of… Read More

Ten ways philanthropic families work with community foundations

Posted on June 11, 2015 by Audrey Jacobs, David O. Barrett, Elizabeth Sullivan, Lauren Amos, Mark Neithercut, Rob MacPherson

This special webinar as we count and describe the many ways that philanthropic families work with the more than 800 community foundations spread across North America. From partnering for impact to serving as a training ground for younger family members, community foundations and families have been partners since the very first community foundations were founded just over a century ago… Read More

From the Start: Questions for Donors and Family Members

Posted on January 9, 2015 by Charles Hamilton

Donors often seek effective ways to involve other family members from the start. Heirs, meanwhile, look for ways to appropriately honor the legacy of the donor(s). There are many questions and issues likely to be considered by both the donor and future generations. (Source: Living the Legacy: The Values of a Family’s Philanthropy Across Generations, NCFP, 2001) Questions for the… Read More

Code of ethics (Hudson Webber Foundation)

Posted on December 18, 2014

The Hudson-Webber Foundation commits to integrity in our actions and responsibility for our decisions and their consequences. We are committed to act honestly, truthfully and with integrity in all our transactions and dealings. We are committed to the appropriate handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest in our relationships. We are committed to treat our grantees fairly and to… Read More